Proposal to migrate zkBob Polygon pool from USDC.e to native USDC

Hello zkBob Community,

We are submitting this proposal following our previous communication in the zkBob News channel on Telegram (LINK) where we outlined our intentions to switch from USDC.e to native USDC for zkBob Polygon pool.

Why We’re Making the Move

  • Industry Alignment: With Circle rolling out native USDC on Polygon and the industry leaning towards it, this switch keeps us in step with the Polygon DeFi ecosystem.

  • Growing Adoption: The usage of native USDC is steadily increasing over USDC.e. Migrating to native USDC positions zkBob to be in sync with this growing trend, potentially attracting more users.

  • Simplified User Experience: The transition to a single version of USDC on Polygon simplifies the user experience, reducing confusion and complexity for all users.

What This Means for You

  • Migration Plan: We’re mapping out a hassle-free transition which means that current USDC.e Polygon pool will be automatically migrated to native USDC - no manual user action will be required.
    Everyone who wishes to withdraw USDC.e from the pool can do so now. After the migration, it will be possible to withdraw only USDC.

If you have any questions or concerns about the migration process, please let us know in the comments below.

Thank you,
The zkBob Team

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